Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Flat Belly - Great Workout To Get A Flat Belly

I personally recommend this workout to busy moms who desire to get a flat belly. A flat belly diet needs to come out with great workout like this one.

Below are good tips to make your workout more fun and enjoyable. While you have fun, you will get flat belly.

1. Staircase Workouts
This is grand because stairs are everywhere. You can go to a football field and do stadium stairs, any building that has stairs like a hotel or even the stairs in your own home. For an tremendous full body workout, try mixing stairs sprints with an upper body exercise like pushups or pull-ups. If done with a high enough intensity, stairs workouts help to create changes throughout your entire body due to the muscle building and fat burning hormonal response and metabolism increase that you get through working the biggest muscle groups in your entire body, especially your belly area.

2. Kettlebell Training
Kettlebells are an alternative type of free-weight training instead of barbells and dumbbells. Their unique construction and weight distribution (basically a cannonball with a handle) allows for a whole different realm of exercises that’s available compared to dumbbells and barbells. Kettlebells have been typically used for training hard-core athletes, military units, martial arts competitors, and other tough individuals, but there is no reason that anybody looking to get stronger, bigger, or more cut can’t learn the exercises and benefit from them. At between $100-$150 per kettlebell, they are definitely not cheap, but they are well worth the money.

3. Bodyweight Workouts
Try doing one or two workouts a week at home with just bodyweight based exercises. These can be great because you can get a high intensity workout done in only 15-30 minutes without having to go to the gym on days that you might not have time for a trip to the gym. Try alternating bodyweight squats, pushups variations, lunges, and floor abs exercises continuously for 15-30 minutes. Try to take very short rest periods or none at all to really amp up the intensity since this will be a brief workout. If you’re more advanced, you can even incorporate more challenging exercises like handstand pushups, one-arm pushups, and one-legged squats into your bodyweight training routines.

4. Ring Training
This type of training basically uses portable gymnastic rings that you can take anywhere with you. You throw the straps up over any high bar like a pullup bar, the top of a power rack, or even over a football field goal crossbar. Then you can quickly adjust the rings to do exercises like ring dips, ring pushups, ring pull-ups, hanging leg raises, horizontal body rows, L-sits, and more. Dips and pushups on the rings are my favorites and the rings really make them a hell of a lot more difficult, while also incorporating your stabilizer muscles to a much greater degree. The rings allow your joints to move in a more natural pattern and can help you prevent or even recover from shoulder injuries.

5. Swimming
A great full body workout that stresses the muscles and joints in a much different way than most resistance training. Incorporating swimming workouts once or twice a week into your normal training routings can really enhance your physique. Try a “sprint” style swimming workout, which will help more for building muscle compared with endurance long distance swimming. For sprint style, swim as hard as you can to the other side of a 25-meter or 50-meter pool (or sprint swim similar distances in a lake or the ocean if you like to swim outdoors). Rest enough to catch your breath between sprint swims (about 20-40 seconds). Try to keep the rest intervals fairly short with swim sprints. You can also mix different strokes (crawl, breaststroke, sidestroke, backstroke, butterfly) on each swim sprint. I’ve found that sprint swimming gives me a great muscle pump (especially in the upper body), without any soreness the next day as is typical with weight training. This is because swimming has no eccentric movement (the negative portion of a lift), which is what causes muscle soreness. You can get a great sprint swimming workout done in about 30-40 minutes. Keep in mind that even though swimming works your muscles well and is a great alternative workout to mix in once or twice a week, it does not strengthen your bones. You still need to do regular weight training to do that.

With a lilttle bit of disipline and consistent, you are on the way to get a flat belly and fabulous body look.

1 comment:

SoloForge said...

Hello, please check out six pack ab and also six pack ab program and don't forget lose belly fat